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PrintSmart Printers

The Department of Psychology provides a multi-function printer on each floor of the Psychology Building and fifth floor of McCarty Hall C. These devices not only print but also copy and scan to your email. A print code is required for printing and copying, which is provided only to Department Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Instructors. Scanning to email does not require any resources and is available to anyone without a print code, provided the email addresses are UF email addresses (ending with

Copy Policy

Eligible for Photocopying

  • All Psychology Course Tests (other course items, generally speaking, should be on the web and not photocopied)
  • All Faculty Research
  • All Grant Funded Research

Ineligible for Photocopying

  • Whole books or chapters
  • Other materials whose photocopying or duplication violates copyright or other laws
  • Materials that are not directly related to instruction of Psychology courses, faculty research, or Department grant-funded research.
  • Materials that are part of a Department graduate student’s Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, including journal articles, book chapters, and parts of books destined for inclusion in a thesis or dissertation; research materials for collecting thesis or dissertation data; and draft or final copies of the thesis or dissertation


  • Faculty and Graduate Instructors without TAs that require assistance with printing must present all eligible materials, either in-person or electronically, to David Fowler AT LEAST 48-BUSINESS HOURS IN ADVANCE, SUBMITTING REQUESTS ON FRIDAY WILL BE RETURNED ON TUESDAY.
  • Faculty and Graduate Instructors with TAs are required to have the TAs manage photocopying for coursework. TAs can consult Administrative Staff for guidance, as needed.
  • All hard copy tests or quizzes should be placed in a sealed envelope or covered and will be returned the same way.
  • Faculty and Graduate Instructors must provide their copy code to any TAs or lab members that are assigned eligible photocopying tasks.

Toner Recycling Program

The program includes recycling toner cartridges from PrintSmart devices and all other non-Xerox printers & copiers (regardless of the brand). The toner cartridges will be collected by Mail and Document Services and taken to Central Stores to be returned to the manufacturer for recycling. For more details, please visit UF Toner Recycling Program.