University of Florida Homepage

About the study

Welcome to our study website!

Here is some general information about the study. If you are interested, please see our short video that describes a few more details about the study.

Youtube video not available at this time

What is the study?

We are testing a new behavioral treatment to help you quit. We have developed this treatment during the past eight years, and our findings have been published in several scientific articles. We have found that the treatment helps people kick the smoking habit. But, we need to know more about how we can make it more accessible and effective to people like you. That’s where you come in!

What do you need?

What you’ll need is a computer at home with an internet connection, and motivation. That’s it. We’ll help you turn your motivation into commitment. We will loan you a web-camera and a small monitor that will measure how much you have smoked (or not!) in the past day. You will video-record yourself blowing into the monitor throughout the study and we’ll give you goals for reducing your smoking. By the end of the first week, if you meet your goals, you should be smoke free!

What will I do during the study?

You will use the monitor to measure how much you’ve
smoked. You will be asked to use the monitor daily for several weeks. You will receive
financial incentives to use the monitor, or you will receive financial incentives only if the
monitor says you have not smoked. Please watch the brief video for more about the incentives.

How long will it take? The study will last seven weeks, and we will continue to track and
encourage your new smoke-free lifestyle for six months.

Will I be compensated? Yes, you will receive compensation for participating in this study. The
study also involves a small deposit incentive. The deposit is something we (and others) have found that helps people quit. If you’re serious about quitting, this small “investment” in yourself may be just the right motivation. The compensation for participating in the study will be more than the deposit, so don’t worry, we don’t keep it!

The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health.