University of Florida Homepage

Alumna Spotlight

Dr. Kathy Fields University of Florida alumus, world-renowned Dermatologist, and co-creator of Proactiv, has given the UF Psychology Department a $50,000 gift to launch a pilot implementation of the Sources […]

News and Notes

Dr. Nicole Dorey received a 2016-2017 CLAS Faculty Advising Award in recognition of her innovation and outreach in advising/mentoring. Dr. Brian Cahill has been nominated for a 2016-2017 Faculty Teaching […]

In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of one of our graduate students, Christopher Rubow, during the fall semester. Chris was a student in the Behavior Analysis […]

Student Accomplishments

Carla Strickland-Hughes (DEV) received the following: Gerber Developmental Psychology Research Award, Spring 2017, $2,000. Charles Vincent and Heidi Cole McLaughlin Dissertation Fellowship, Summer 2016, $7,000. Department Travel Award, Summer 2017, […]

Staff Spotlight

As you enter the Psychology Department’s main office, the first person typically welcoming you is Jackie Rollins or “Ms. Jackie,” as she is affectionately referred to by graduate students. It […]