Student Accomplishments
Graduate Student Awards A number of graduate students in the Department of Psychology were again recognized for their many accomplishments during the 2017-2018 academic schoolyear. Below is a list of student awards recognized this past Spring at the Departmental Student Awards Banquet. Behavior Analysis Graduate Student Awards Hypatia Bolivar – Graduate Teaching Award Hypatia Bolivar […]
Faculty Spotlight
As in the Robert Frost poem, “The Road Not Taken,” Dorothy Espelage took the road less traveled—and it has made all the difference in her life and in the lives of countless others. Espelage did not let a rough start to life deter her. In fact, she turned bad into good, using portions of her […]
Faculty Accomplishments
Faculty Accomplishments Media. Dr. Laurie Mintz published a paperback version of Becoming Cliterate. This led to an invited presentation at the Opened Women’s Conference, sponsored by the Amber Rose Foundation and the University of Southern California Dornsife Center for Feminist Research, Los Angeles, CA. In collaboration with the Levin College of Law and with support […]
Chair’s Report
Beginning in August, 2017, I took on the role of Interim Chair of the Department of Psychology when Lise Abrams stepped down as Chair in anticipation of taking a new position elsewhere. Although this was an unexpected transition, I am happy to say that it has been an ideal time to be the Chair of […]
Alumna Spotlight
Dr. Kathy Fields University of Florida alumus, world-renowned Dermatologist, and co-creator of Proactiv, has given the UF Psychology Department a $50,000 gift to launch a pilot implementation of the Sources of Strength Program i Dr. Sherri Jackson who received her PhD in cognitive psychology has been appointed to the Academic Affairs office as Vice […]
News and Notes
Dr. Nicole Dorey received a 2016-2017 CLAS Faculty Advising Award in recognition of her innovation and outreach in advising/mentoring. Dr. Brian Cahill has been nominated for a 2016-2017 Faculty Teaching Award. Dr. Bonnie Moradi was invited to co-edit a special section of the Journal of Counseling Psychology on “Intersectionality research in counseling psychology” with Carlos […]
In Memoriam
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of one of our graduate students, Christopher Rubow, during the fall semester. Chris was a student in the Behavior Analysis program working in Tim Vollmer’s lab. As Professor Vollmer described him: Chris was a very creative researcher and an excellent technical writer. His work on […]
Student Accomplishments
Carla Strickland-Hughes (DEV) received the following: Gerber Developmental Psychology Research Award, Spring 2017, $2,000. Charles Vincent and Heidi Cole McLaughlin Dissertation Fellowship, Summer 2016, $7,000. Department Travel Award, Summer 2017, $500. Jacquelin Goldman Travel Award for Developmental Research, Summer 2016, $500. John Shallcross (BCN) received a $500 CARE travel award (Center for Addiction Research and Education) […]