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Undergraduate Psychology Advising Hours

The Department of Psychology Advising Office and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Academic Advising Center (AAC) Dual-Advising Model Overview:

CLAS Academic Advising Center (AAC) college advisors serve all CLAS students with the following:

  • Admissions questions for prospective students
  • Graduation requirements (general education, foreign language, etc.)
  • Universal Tracking and course planning
  • Academic holds and probation explanations
  • Petitions for exceptions to college/university rules
  • College approval for dual degrees, double majors, and major changes
  • Transient requests

Contact a CLAS AAC college advisor

Psychology Advisors supports current students with the following:

  • Enrollment issues for psychology courses
  • Department approval for dual degrees, double majors, and major changes
  • Research, internships, teaching experience, and senior thesis opportunities
  • Approval of psychology-related courses taken abroad/at another institution

Note: Students should consult the AAC annually for academic progress evaluations and meet with a psychology advisor for major-specific guidance. Visit the Academic Advising Center for more information.

Undergraduate Psychology Frequently Asked

Dual Degree/Double Major Requirements for Psychology

Students interested in pursuing a Dual Degree/Double Major in Psychology MUST fulfill (earning a passing grade) all 1-5 critical tracking criteria. We are overenrolled in all psychology tracks; therefore, students should submit their request immediately after completing all 1-5 critical tracking courses- it cannot be in progress. If approved, students must enroll in the major during semester 6 and complete major requirements in semesters 6-8. Requesting to add the major with less than 3 semesters left to graduate is subject to denial due to course offerings and limited space.

Please note: Those who delay requesting to add the major but are taking courses for the major are also at risk of being denied due to space in senior-only courses. Students actively enrolled in our major are top priority, so it’s best to be proactive in getting approval. Psych advisors cannot force students into full courses. Students interested in psychology as a second degree aren’t a priority when registering for major coursework. 

Changing Major to Psychology
Psychology advisors cannot change majors

  • Changing Majors in Terms 1-5: Students who want to change to a CLAS major in terms 1-5 must meet with an advisor in the AAC.
  • Transfer Students: As an overenrolled program, students must originally be admissible to the psychology program to request departmental support. There are no guarantees that students meeting the admissions requirements will be approved. Students should meet with a CLAS AAC advisor beforehand.
  • Changing Majors in Term 6 or Later: The further along a student is, the harder it may be to change majors and progress and graduate in a timely fashion. Students wishing to change to a CLAS major in term 6 or later must meet with an advisor in the AAC.
    • Petitions must be sent to Students should not attend advising Zoom hours unless a psych advisor informs them to do so.
Psychology Registration FAQs
Please see here
Non-UF Prospective Students
Please see here
Psychology Degree Requirements and Courses
Please see here
Undergraduate Hands-On Experiences
Please see here

Meet with a Psych Advisor

Psychology advisors are available only through Zoom drop-in sessions (no scheduled appointments). Check our site for available days and times to connect virtually.

Students seeking psychology course equivalencies for previously taken courses or Study Abroad MUST email. We will not review via Zoom advising.

Please be aware that Psych advisors cannot remove ANY holds. You must contact college advisors in CLAS AAC. 

Helpful Resources:

Dominic 9:30AM- 2:30PM9:30AM-10:30AM9:30AM- 2:30PM--
Note: For Undergraduate Coordinator Dr. Ron Chandler, please refer to the psychology advising emails for available times. Please note that Dr. Chandler's advising hours are limited at the beginning and end of each semester, as well as during the summer.
  • To attend, sign in using the REMOTE LOBBY SIGN-IN link here below.
  • After signing in, you’ll receive a Zoom link (often as a pop-up).
  • Join promptly to connect with the advisors scheduled for that time. Do not select an advisor.
  • Each session is limited to 10-15 minutes per student.

To see how many are on the wait list (Links to an external site)

Email Psych Advising: If you can’t attend Zoom advising or prefer email, send your questions to using your GatorLink email. Include any relevant context. Please do not email graduate student advisors or Dominic Purcell directly. With over 2,200 students, responses may be delayed as we address emails in the order received.

Helpful Links!

UF Dates & DeadlinesUF Schedule of CoursesPsychology Hands on Experience/ Individual Work.
UF Student Financial Aid & ScholarshipsProspective StudentsPsychology Honors Thesis Information and Deadlines
UF Bursars Office Critical DatesPsychology Degree RequirementsCLAS AAC Advising