Darragh P. Devine, Ph.D., Professor and Director. Neurobiology of self-injurious behavior, neurobiology of autism spectrum disorder.
Andreas Keil, Ph.D. Professor. Psychophysiology of emotion, temporal dynamics of perception/attention, oscillatory activity of the human cerebral cortex.
Lori Knackstedt, Ph.D., Associate Professor. Neurobiology of drug addiction.
Peter Kvam, Ph.D., Assistant Professor. Computational modeling of decision making.
Brian Odegaard, Ph.D., Assistant Professor. Perception, Attention, and Consciousness.
Marek Schwendt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Neurobiology of drug addiction, motivated behavior and cognition.
Steven Weisberg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor. Cognitive neuroscience of spatial navigation.
Faculty with Joint Appointments in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience:
Natalie C. Ebner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology. Development and interplay of motivation, emotion, and cognition across the lifespan.
Darlene A. Kertes, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. Neurobiology of stress, gene-environment/epigenetic processes, human development.
Ben Lewis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. Alcohol-related research from a neurobehavioral perspective.
Sara Jo Nixon, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience of substance abuse.
Lisa S. Scott, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology. Brain, cognition, and development.
Barry Setlow, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry. neural basis of risky choice behaviors.
Amanda Elton, Ph.D., Assistant Professor. Human cognitive neuroscience related to substance use, neuroimaging.
Professors Emeriti:
W. Keith Berg, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus. Psychophysiological measures in humans.
Donald A. Dewsbury, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus. History of psychology; Comparative psychology.
Ira Fischler, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus. Human memory and information processing, psychophysiology of cognition.
Richard A. Griggs, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus. Deductive reasoning and teaching of psychology.
Robert D. Sorkin, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus. Auditory perception, signal detection and decision-making, and human factors.
Donald J. Stehouwer, Ph.D., Professor. Developmental neurobiology, development of motor systems.
Philip Teitelbaum, Ph.D., Graduate Research Professor. Analysis of human movement disorders.
Keith D. White, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus. Visual perception, and sensory integration.
Margaret Bradley, Ph.D., Research Professor. Psychobiology of attention and emotion.