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General Psychology

General psychology requires students to complete coursework in four core areas within the discipline and elective psychology courses. The major consists of at least 36 credits with related biological science, mathematics, and statistics coursework. At least 18 of the 36 credits must be taken at the University of Florida. Courses used toward the major must be earned with minimum grades of C.
In addition to psychology requirements, students must meet the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences degree requirements. 

Dual Degree/Double Major Requirements

Students interested in pursuing a Dual Degree/Double Major in Psychology MUST fulfill (earning a passing grade) all 1-5 critical tracking criteria. We are overenrolled in all psychology tracks; therefore, students should submit their request immediately after completing all 1-5 critical tracking courses- cannot be in progress. If approved, students are expected to enroll in the major during semester 6 and complete major requirements in semesters 6-8. Requesting to add the major with less than 3 semesters left to graduate is subject to denial due to course offerings and limited space.

See CLAS AAC Information on Dual Degree/Double Majors: Requirements & Eligibility

Please note: Those who delay requesting to add the major but are taking courses for the major are also at risk of being denied due to space in senior-only courses. Students actively enrolled in our major are top priority, so it’s best to be proactive in getting approval.

Psych advisors cannot force students into full courses. Students interested in psychology as a second degree aren’t a priority when registering for major coursework. 

Major Change Requirements

Changing Majors in Terms 1-5: Students who want to change to a CLAS major in terms 1-5 must meet with an advisor in the AAC. The tracking term of students who entered UF as Summer B/Fall freshmen is based on the number of fall/spring semesters in which they enrolled for 10 or more credits. Full-term withdrawals and study abroad are not included as tracking terms.

Transfer Students: As an overenrolled program, students must originally be admissible to the psychology program to request departmental support. There are no guarantees that students meeting the admissions requirements will be approved. Students should meet with a CLAS AAC advisor beforehand.

Changing Majors in Term 6 or Later: The further along a student is, the harder it may be to change majors and progress and graduate in a timely fashion. Students wishing to change to a CLAS major in term 6 or later must meet with an advisor in the AAC.

The UGC will help the student develop a study plan but cannot review requests for major changes unless submitted using the correct paperwork.
More information can be found by viewing the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Academic Policies page.

Psych advisors cannot force students into full courses. Students interested in psychology as a second degree aren’t a priority when registering for major coursework. 


More information on the 1-5 critical tracking courses can be found in the UF undergraduate catalog.

PSY2012 General Psychology3
PSY3213L Laboratory Methods in Psychology
*Students should take PSY 3213L in semester 3 or 4 before
taking any additional 3000-level or above psychology courses.
STA2023Intro to Statistics3
BSC2005 OR
Biological Sciences
Biology Principles 1
MAC 1147 OR
Complete both
MAC 1140
MAC 1114
Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry

Precalculus Algebra
STA3024Statistics 2
*Not a part of 1-5 critical tracking but required for the major

Psychology Core- 22 Credits

Students must take all of the following:

The course listing below does not represent an order sequence.

Students can also download the General Psych Program Plan.

General Psychology (3 Credits)PSY2012: General Psychology 1
Laboratory Methods Psychology (3 credits)PSY3213L: Laboratory Methods Psychology
Developmental Psychology (3 Credits)DEP3053: Developmental Psychology
Learning & Cognition (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•EAB3002: Principles of Behavior Analysis
•EAB3764: Applied Behavior Analysis
•EXP3604: Cognitive Psychology
Sociocultural / Individual Differences Approaches (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•CLP3144: Abnormal Psychology
•PPE3003: Psychology of Personality
•SOP3004: Social Psychology
Biological Bases of Psychology (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•CBH3003: Comparative Psychology
•EXP3104: Sensory Processes
•PSB3002: Physiological Psychology- Students intending to follow the Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN) track are NOT permitted to register for PSB3002. This course eliminates eligibility for PSB3340 which is a critical tracking course for the BCN track.
•PSB3340: Behavioral Neuroscience
Note: Recommended for student considering or enrolled in Behavioral and Psych Cognitive Neuroscience track (BCN critical tracking course). Students may NOT take both PSB 3002 and PSB 3340 under any circumstances

Psychology Electives at 4000 Level (6 Credits)

Excluding PSY4905 Independent Work  Courses (IW Courses,  4911, 4940, 4949, and 4970)

Course NumberCourse NameCreditDemand
PSY 4930Special Topics in Psychology3High
PCO4113Positive Psychology3Very High
CLP 4110Eating Disorders 3Very High
SOP 4704Special Topics: Advanced Social Psychology 3High
EAB 4741Organizational Behavior Management 3Priority: Senior Behavior Analysis Students
EAB 4930Advanced Seminar in Behavior Analysis3Priority: Senior Behavior Analysis Students
PSB 4240Psychobiology of Abnormal Behavior3Priority: Senior Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Students
PSB 4934Special Topics3Priority: Senior Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Students
PSB 4342Intro to Cognitive Neuroscience 3Priority: Senior Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Students
SOP4842Legal Psychology3High
PCO4930Special Topics3Very High
DEP4115Infant Development3Very High
PCO4404Black Psychology3Very High
PCO4930Seminar in Counseling3Very High
PCO4270Latinx Psychology3Very High
GEY4001Issues and Concepts in Gerontology3High
CLP4134Introduction to Clinical and Child Pediatric Psychology3College of Public Health & Health Professions
CLP4302Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3College of Public Health & Health Professions
HSC4600Psychiatric Disorders3College of Public Health & Health Professions
CLP4420Intro to Neuorpsych 3Public Health and Health Professions, Clinical Health Psychology

Advising Note: Students should not rely on summer terms to take 4k coursework. While we offer SOME 4k courses during summer, there is no guarantee you can obtain a seat. Seats are VERY limited, even for students in the major.  The best practice is to utilize Fall and Spring terms to register for the necessary credit.  Taking 4k courses in the senior year will give you two semesters to register for the requirement!

Additional Psychology Electives- 12 Credits

Students must choose additional 3000/4000-level psychology courses to meet the 36-credit minimum requirement (except that three credits of 2000-level courses can count toward this requirement). In addition, up to nine credits of individual work courses will count toward the 36-credit minimum requirement. Two courses from the Women’s Studies department can also be utilized as part of the 12 additional psychology credits (WST 3371; WST 4704, WST 3323)

Below is a brief example of the courses that will count for the additional electives area. The semester in which courses are offered is subject to change.

Note: Department discretion: Students should defer to the department that owns the course if unable to self-enroll. We cannot guarantee your enrollment request will be approved.

Note: Non-psychology courses may not reflect accurately on the degree audit. Therefore, we may have to manually apply them to your audit. If this happens, please email us.
Course NumberCourse NameCreditDepartment Offering Course
CLP 4110Eating Disorders3Department of Psychology
WST 3371Women, Leadership & Diversity in the Global Environment 3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST 4704Discrimination and Health 3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
PSY 4911Supervised ResearchVaries Department of Psychology
PSY 4949InternshipVariesDepartment of Psychology
PSY 4905Independent StudyVaries Department of Psychology
PSY 4970Honors ThesisVaries Department of Psychology
PSY 4940Intro to TeachingVaries Department of Psychology
PCO4113Positive Psychology3Department of Psychology
CLP 2100Personal Growth3Department of Psychology
HSC4134 Emotional Health & Counseling3Health Education & Behavior Department
WST 3325 Violence Against Women 3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST3603Sexualities Studies3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST3610 Gender, Race and Science3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST3703 History of American Medicine: Race, Class, Gender, and Science 3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST3800 Sexual Ethics3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4002Data Feminisms3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4326 Women and Therapy3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4349Ecofeminism3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4383Latinx Sexualities3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4384 LGBTQ+ Movements and Critiques3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
WST4630 Gender, Culture, and Place3Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
APK3400Sport Psychology3Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
SDS3462Speical Topics: Introduction to Trauma and Crisis3 Education-Human Devel and Org Studies in Ed
PSY 3626Psychology of Sustainability3Department of Psychology
PSY 4930Speical Topics in Psychology3Department of Psychology
EXP 3604Cognitive Psychology3Department of Psychology
PSB 3340Behavioral Neuroscience3Department of Psychology
PSB 3002 Physiological Psychology3Department of Psychology
EAB 3002 Principles of Behavior Analysis3Department of Psychology
EAB 3764Applied Behavior Analysis3Department of Psychology
CLP 3144Abnormal Psychology3Department of Psychology
SOP 3004Social Psychology3Department of Psychology
EXP 3104Sensory Processes3Department of Psychology
EDF3210Educational Psychology3Education-Human Devel and Org Studies in Ed
DEP4115Infant Development3Department of Psychology
MHS3930Mindful Living: A Course on Spirituality For Everyday Life3Education-Human Devel and Org Studies in Ed
MHS3930Special Topics: INTRO TO TRAUMA AND CRISIS3Education-Human Devel and Org Studies in Ed
APK3405Exercise Psychology3Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
SOP4777Psychology of Human Sexuality3Department of Psychology
SPS3004Psychology in the Schools3Education-Spec Ed/Schl Psych/Early Child Stu
HSC3102 Personal and Family Health3Department: Health Education and Behavior

CJL4037Psychology and Law3Department: Criminology
CCJ4934Psychology of Jurors and Juries3Department: Criminology

Do you want to know if a course not on the list will satisfy the elective requirements? Email and attach the course syllabus for assistance.