Students choosing to emphasize social psychology will normally take the foundation-level course (SOP 3004), the research methods course (SOP 4214), and one or more of the advanced courses as determined by their interests, goals, and course availability. The study of personality is closely related to social psychology, so students are encouraged to take the foundation course in Personality (PPE 3004). Those planning to do graduate work in social psychology are also encouraged to become involved with research by assisting with current research projects while taking Introduction to Research (PSY 3912).
Undergraduate Courses
SOP 2513 Human Conflict — Theory and research on conflict and conflict management.
SOP 3004 Social Psychology — Foundation course in the area. Covers basic principles, key empirical findings, and methodological approaches in the discipline.
SOP 4214 Research Methods in Social Psychology — Fundamentals of research techniques, including experimental design, correlational procedures, sampling, questionnaire construction, and ethics. Includes a laboratory section in which students conduct research and prepare reports.
SOP 4404 Attitudes and Social Cognition — Theory and research dealing with the nature of social cognition, including research on attitude formation and change.
SOP 4504 Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes –Theory and research on small group behavior.
SOP 4704 Advanced Social Psychology — Advanced study of selected topics in social psychology. Course can be repeated with a change in content. Revolving topics include prejudice, social motivation, self-presentation, the social self, health psychology, population psychology, and others.