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Staff Spotlight – David Fowler

If someone needs something done quickly and efficiently in the department, David Fowler is the person to see. The department could not function without him. David is the department’s Office Manager whose primary responsibilities are managing human resources and payroll. In addition, he assists with course schedules and registration issues for both undergraduate and graduate students. David is the epitome of a multi-tasker, always willing to go the extra mile and take on additional responsibilities, even helping with moving furniture. David does all of these jobs responsively and pleasantly… and always with a Mountain Dew on his desk.

Cindy Heesacker, David’s supervisor comments that I don’t think I have ever heard David complain in the 12 years I have worked with him about having too much to do. The fact is that he has a very full plate but, is always volunteering to help others. He is always positive, kind, and respectful to everyone.

Lisa Abrams, echoes these sentiments: As chair, I get to see first-hand the many things that our staff do behind the scenes, and I realize how critical David’s work is to the functioning of the department.  There are many things that faculty and students take for granted, like getting paid or having classrooms for our courses, but these things would not happen without David’s diligence and effort.  David often goes above and beyond his job description to help the department, like moving furniture in the rain; there aren’t many people who would do that, let alone willingly and cheerfully.

David has a long history at UF starting in November 1995 with the Division of Housing as a painter. This was followed by a maintenance mechanic position at the SW Recreational Center, as he completed school. He then transitioned into a Sr. Secretary position at the Student Health and Fitness Center. From this he was an Office Assistant at the College of Engineering and was offered a promotion to Office Manager at the College of Education. Not long after, Dr. Heesacker offered him the same position in Psychology in November of 2004.

When he is not managing the department, David is an avid “sports nut.” Anything competitive he’ll watch. He is looking forward to the upcoming Gator baseball season and enjoys living close enough to campus to take advantage of the various sporting events throughout the year.  Other than that, he enjoys hiking and visiting different parks in the area and reading the history about those specific locations.  While he doesn’t go often, he enjoys backpacking and tries to make a couple of trips a year with a good friend while the weather is cool.