Behavior Analysis
Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences
Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology
Awards, Grants, and Recognition | |
Publications | |
*Beavers, G.A., Iwata, B.A., & *Gregory, M.K. (2014). Parameters of reinforcement and response-class hierarchies. /Journal of | |
Applied Behavior Analysis, 47, 72-80. | |
Dallery, J., *Kurti, A.N., & Erb, J.P. (in press) A new frontier: Integrating behavioral and digital technology to promote health | |
behavior. The Behavior Analyst. | |
Dallery, J., *Kurti, A.N., & Martner, S. (in press). Technological approaches to assess and treat cigarette smoking. In L. Marsch, | |
S. Lord, & J. Dallery (Eds), Transforming Behavioral Health Care with Technology: The State of the Science. Oxford University Press. | |
Dallery, J., & Raiff, B. R. (2014). Optimizing behavioral health interventions with single-case designs: From development to | |
dissemination. Journal of Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, and Research. | |
*Kurti. A., Dallery, J. (2014). Effects of Exercise on Craving and Cigarette Smoking in the Human Laboratory. Addictive. | |
Behaviors, 39, 1131-1137. Can be accessed online at: | |
*Kurti, A.N., Logan, H., Manini, T., & Dallery, J. (in press). Physical activity behavior, barriers to physical activity, and opinions | |
about a smartphone-based physical activity intervention among rural residents. Telemedicine and eHealth. |
*Mehrkam, L. R., *Verdi, N.R., Wynne, C.D.L. 2014. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 17: 43-58. | |
*Mehrkam, L. R. and Wynne, C.D.L. 2014. Behavioral differences among breeds of domestic dogs (/Canis lupus familiaris/): | |
Current status of the science. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 155: 12-27. | |
Meredith, S. E., Dutta, P., Robinson, A., Erb, P., *Spieler, C. & Dallery, J. (2014). The reliability, validity, and acceptability of a | |
mobile-phone-based breath carbon monoxide meter to detect cigarette smoking. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntt275 | |
Meredith, S. E., *Jarvis, B.P., Raiff, B. R., Rojewski, A., *Kurti, A. N., Cassidy, R., *Erb, J. P., & Dallery, J. (2014). The ABCs | |
of incentive-based treatment in health care: a behavior analytic framework to inform research and practice Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 19, 103-114. | |
Peters, K., & Vollmer, T.R. (2014). Evaluations of the overjustification effect. Journal of Behavioral Education, 23, 201-220. | |
Invited Addresses and Presentations | |
Cassidy, R., & Dallery, J. (May, 2014). Nicotine increases the essential value of food-paired conditioned reinforcers. | |
Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL. | |
Dallery, J. (February, 2014). Technology, behavior analysis, and the super convergence. Texas Association for Behavior | |
analysis. | |
Brian Iwata presented at the Assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior. Bari, Italy (sponsored by the Autism Society | |
of Puglia), February 2014. | |
*Kurti, A.N., & Dallery, J. (2014, May). Translational research on innovative, behavioral treatments for cigarette smokers. | |
Talk given at the 40th annual Association for Behavior Analysis conference, Chicago,IL. May 24-28. | |
*Kurti, A.N., Kurti, S., Rosenkranz, S., Emerson, S., & Harns, C. (2014, April). Indoor air pollution and respiratory health in | |
Belizean children. Talk given at the Unite for Sight conference, Yale University.April 11-12. | |
Raiff, B. R., & Dallery, J. (May 2014). Internet and videogame-based contingency management for promoting healthy | |
behavior. Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL. | |
*Sarah Slocum presented at the Florida Association of Behavior Analysis Presentation (September 2013) and Association for | |
Behavior Analysis (May 2014). | |
Awards, Grants, and Recognition | |
Publications | |
C. E. Canal, D. Morgan, D. Felsing, K. Kondabolu, N.E. Rowland, K.L. Robertson, R. Sakhuja, R.G. Booth. A novel | |
aminotetralin-type serotonin (5-HT)2C receptor-specific agonist and 5-HT2A competitive antagonist/5-HT2B inverse agonist with preclinical efficacy for psychoses. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 349: 1-9, 2014. | |
Dewsbury, D. A. (2013). John B. Watson’s early work and comparative psychology. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, | |
39(2), 10-33. | |
*Farrell, M. T., & Abrams, L. (2013). Picture-word interference reveals inhibitory effects of syllable frequency on lexical selection. | |
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Published online, August 9, 2013. | |
Griggs, R. A. (2014). Psychology: A concise introduction (4th ed.). New York, NY: Worth. | |
Griggs, R. A. (2014). Topical coverage in introductory textbooks from the 1980s through the 2000s. Teaching of Psychology, | |
41/, 5-10. | |
Griggs, R. A. (2014). Topical coverage in introductory psychology: Textbooks versus lecture. Teaching of Psychology, 41, 144- | |
147. | |
Keil, A., Debener, S., Gratton, G., Junghofer, M., Kappenman, E. S., Luck, S. J. (2014). Publication guidelines and | |
recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. Psychophysiology, 51, 1-21. | |
Leon, S., Altmann, L. J. P., Abrams, L., Gonzalez Rothi, L. J., & Heilman, K. M. (2014). Divergent task performance in older | |
adults: Declarative memory or creative potential? Creativity Research Journal,26/, 21-29. doi:10.1080/10400419.2014.873657 | |
V. Minervini, C.M. Galuska, N.E. Rowland. Effects of price and pellet type on food waste in mice. Behavioural Processes 103: | |
180-183, 2014. | |
Wieser, M. J. & Keil, A. (2014) Fearful faces heighten the cortical representation of contextual threat. Neuroimage, 86, 317-325. | |
*Yoder WM, Setlow B, Bizon JL, Smith DW. (2014) Characterizing olfactory perceptual similarity using carbon chain | |
discrimination in Fischer 344 rats. Chemical Senses, 39(4); 323-331. | |
*Yoder WM, *LaRue AK*, *Rosen JM, *Aggarwal S*, Shukla RM^, Smith DW. (2014) Evidence of rapid recovery from | |
perceptual odor adaptation using a new stimulus paradigm. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, epub ahead of print, 6 Feb 2014. | |
Invited Addresses and Presentations | |
Abrams, L. (2014, March). Going on a treasure hunt: Finding words on the tip of your tongue. Talk presented at the IAU | |
College Public Lecture and Receptions Series, Aix-en-Provence, France. | |
*Davis, D. K., *Martin, L. M., & Abrams, L. (2014, April). What’s valence got to do with it: Emotional pictures influence | |
tip-of-the-tongue states. Poster presented at the 15th biennial Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
Anreas Keil presented Motivated perception: Conceptual, behavioral, and neurophysiological underpinnings of seeing what | |
matters. Invited Lecture, University of Zuerich, May 21 2014. | |
*Lyman M Yoder WM*, Munizza O*, Gaynor L*, Setlow B, Bizon JL, Smith DW. Characterizing olfactory generalization in | |
Fischer 344 rats using behavioral reaction times. Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Bonita Springs, FL (April 2014). | |
*Munizza O, *Yoder WM, *Lyman M, *Gaynor L, Setlow B, Bizon JL, Smith DW. A technique for characterizing the time course | |
of odor adaptation in mice. Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Bonita Springs, FL (April 2014). | |
*Yoder WM, Ormerod BK, Setlow B, Bizon JL, *Lyman M, *Munizza O, Smith DW. Age-related olfactory dysfunction in the | |
Fischer 344 rat model. Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Bonita Springs, FL (April 2014). | |
Awards, Grants and Recognition | |
Publications | |
Brewster, M. E., *Velez, B. L., Esposito, J., Wong, S., Geiger, L., & Keum, B. (2014). Moving beyond the binary with disordered | |
eating research: A test and extension of objectification theory with bisexual women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 50-62. doi:10.1037/a0034748 | |
Rice, K.G., 8Suh, H., & *Ege, E. (2014). Further evaluation of the outcome questionnaire-45.2. Measurement Evaluation in | |
Counseling and Development, 47, 102-117. doi:10.1177/0748175614522268 | |
*Richardson, C. M. E., Rice, K. G., & Devine, D. P. (2014). Perfectionism, emotion regulation, and the cortisol stress response. | |
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61 (1), 110-118/. 4. | |
*Roncoroni, J., Tucker, C. M., *Wall, W., *Nghiem, K., *Wheatley, R. S., *Wu, W. (2014). Patient perceived cultural sensitivity | |
of clinic environment and its association with patient satisfaction with care and treatment adherence. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, doi: 10.1177/1559827614521760. | |
Tucker, C. M.,* Lopez, M., *Campbell, K., Marsiske, M., *Daly, K., *Nghiem, K., *Rahim-Williams, B., Jones, J., Hariton, E., | |
& *Patel, A.* (2014). The effects of a culturally sensitive, empowerment-focused, community-based health promotion program on health outcomes of adults with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 25(1), 292-307. | |
Tucker, C. M., *Roncoroni, J., Marsiske, M., *Nghiem, K. N., & *Wall, W. (2014). Validation of a patient-centered, culturally | |
sensitive, clinic environment inventory using a national sample of adult patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 25(1), 80-86. | |
Invited Addresses and Presentations | |
Bieschke, K.., & Mintz, L. (March, 2014). Training values statements addressing diversity: History, current use, and a call | |
to move forward. In K. Bieschke (Chair), Is it time to retire the values statement? Symposium presented at the 2014 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
Brewster, M. E., *Velez, B. L., & Sandil, R. (March, 2014). Atheists in America: Widening counseling psychology’s . | |
multicultural umbrella to strengthen clinical work with nonbelievers. Roundtable conducted at the meeting of the Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association Division 17, Atlanta, GA | |
*Campos, I. D.*, *Wall, W., & *Velez, B. L. (March, 2014). Sexual objectification, ageist discrimination, and mental and | |
physical health symptoms. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association Division 17, Atlanta, GA. | |
Mintz, L. (March, 2014). Giving psychology away. Paper presented in K. Oh & B. French, How to talk to the media: Bringing | |
counseling psychology to the world? Symposium presented at the 2014 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
*Sundaram, S., *Suh, H., Palaniappan, M., *Wippold, G.*, & *Ege, E. (2014, March). Recruitment and Retention of Ethnic | |
Minority Graduate Students in Counseling Psychology: Students’ Perspective. Roundtable discussion presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Counseling Psychology, Atlanta, GA. | |
*Tebbe, E., & Lantz, M. M. (2014, March). Developing your professional identity through leadership and program | |
involvement.Invited workshop conducted at the bi-annual meeting of the Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. *Indicates equal-authorship | |
*Tebbe, E., *Lenzen, A., Moradi, B., * Ege, E., & Maynard-Pemba, N. (2014, March). Is it enough? A roundtable discussion | |
on graduate training in research and practice with trans* individuals. Roundtable discussion presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
Carolyn Tucker was an Invited Speaker to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Path | |
to Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Women: Bladder Health Workshop, Washington, DC. A Community-Engaged Research Approach to Reducing Obesity: Implications for Preventing and Treating Urinary Incontinence. May 3, 2014. | |
*Velez, B. L., Brewster, M. E., Esposito, J., Wong, S., Geiger, E., & Keum, T. B. (March, 2014). Moving beyond the binary | |
with disordered eating research: A test and extension of objectification theory with bisexual women. In Franco Dispenza (Chair), Objectification theory, sexual minority persons, and health behaviors. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association Division 17, Atlanta, GA. | |
*Wall, W., Tucker, C. M., *Roncoroni, J. (2014, April). Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Healthcare Delivery. Invited presentation at the Nursing School of the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. | |
Winterowd, C., Adams, E., Miville, M., & Mintz, L. (March, 2014). Operationalizing, instilling, and assessing counseling | |
psychology training values in academic programs to serve a diverse public. In K. Bieschke (Chair), Is it time to retire the values statement? Symposium presented at the 2014 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
*Zhang, S., & Moradi, B. (2014, March). Asian American acculturation and enculturation: Development of a bilinear and | |
multidimensional operationalization. Poster presented at the 2014 Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
Awards, Grants and Recognition | |
Publications | |
Bluck, S., Alea, N., & *Ali, S. (2014). Remembering the historical roots of remembering the personal past. Applied Cognitive | |
Psychology. Wiley Online, 1 –10. | |
Ebner, N. C., & Fischer, H. (2014). Emotion and aging: Recent evidence from brain and behavior. Invited paper to introduce | |
special issue. Frontiers in Emotion Science. | |
Glück, J., & Bluck, S. (2014). The MORE life experience model: A theory of the development of wisdom (pp. 75-98). M. Ferrari | |
& N. Weststrate (Eds.). Personal Wisdom. New York: Springer. | |
*Hadad, N. A., & Knackstedt, L. A. (2014). Addicted to palatable foods: Comparing the neurobiology of bulimia nervosa to that | |
of drug addiction. Psychopharmacology, 231(9), 1897-1912. doi:10.1007/s00213-014-3461-1 | |
Swann, G., Byck, G.R., Dick D. M., Aliev, F., Latendresse, S.J., Riley, B.R., Kertes, D.A., Sun, C., Salvatore, J. E., Bolland, J., | |
Mustanski, B. (2014). Effects of OPRM1 and stressful life events on symptoms of Major Depression in African American adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 162, 12-19. | |
Voelkle, M. C., Ebner, N. C., Lindenberger, U., & Riediger, M. (2014). A note on age differences in mood-congruent versus | |
mood-incongruent information processing in faces. Frontiers in Emotion Science. | |
Invited Addresses and Presentations | |
Bluck, S. Invited talk, Remembering lives over time: a functional approach to autobiographical memory. University of Zurich, | |
May, 2014. | |
Ebner, N. C., Fischer, H., & Cohen, R. A. (April, 2014). Oxytocin and socioemotional aging. Talk at the Cognitive Aging | |
Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. | |
Ebner, N. C., Fischer, H., & Cohen, R. A. (April, 2014). Oxytocin and aging: Effects on social decision-making and emotion | |
processing. Poster at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA, USA. | |
Fischer, H., Ebner, N. C., & Westberg, L. (April, 2014). Relation between an oxytocin receptor gene variant, face | |
recognition and amygdala activation. Poster at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA, USA. | |
Kertes, D.A. (April 2014). The intergenerational transmission of stress. Invited Speaker, Colby College, Waterville, ME. | |
*Lendry, R. E., *Lin, T., & Ebner, N. C. (April, 2014). Effects of face likability on memory in younger and older adults. | |
Poster at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. | |
*Lin, T., Ankudowich, E., Johnson, M. K., & Ebner, N. C. (April, 2014). Distancing from the own-age group: An age-group | |
comparison. Poster at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. | |
*Liu, J., Mustanski, B., Dick, D., Bolland, J., Kertes, D.A. (March 2014). Racial discrimination and exposure to violence | |
predict comorbid internalizing and externalizing problems among disadvantaged African American youth. Biennial Meeting of Society for Research on Adolescence, Austin, TX. | |
*Strickland-Hughes, C. M., West, R. L., & Ebner, N. C. (2014, April). Aging and self-stereotyping effects on face-name | |
memory. Poster presented at the 15th biennial meeting of the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA. | |
*Strickland-Hughes, C. M. (2014, March). Improving your everyday memory! Invited talk for the Adults Leisurely Enjoying | |
Retirement Together Senior Group, Gainesville, FL. | |
Awards, Grants, and Recognition | |
Publications | |
Hadden, B. W., Smith, C. V., & Webster, G. D. (2014). Relationship duration moderates associations between attachment and | |
relationship quality: Meta-analytic support for the temporal adult romantic attachment model. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 18, 42–58. doi:10.1177/1088868313501885 | |
Klein, R. A., Ratliff, R. A., Vianello, M., Adams, R. A. Jr., Bahnik, S., Bernstein, M. J., Nosek, B. A. (2014). Investigating | |
variation in replicability: A ”many labs” replication project. Social Psychology, 45, 142–152. | |
Shepperd, J. A., *Novell, C. A., O’Neill, S. C., McBride, C. M., Sanderson, S., Docherty, S., & Lipkus, I. M. (2014). | |
Contemplating genetic feedback regarding lung cancer susceptibility. Annals of Behavioral Medicine/, 47, 395-403. doi: 10.1007/s12160-013-9561-z | |
Shepperd, J. A., *Howell, J. L., & Logan, H. (2014). A Survey of Barriers to Screening for Oral Cancer among Rural African | |
Americans. Psycho-Oncology, 23, 276-282. doi: 10.1002/pon.3415 | |
Webster, G. D., DeWall, C. N., Pond, R. S., Jr., Deckman, T., Jonason, P. K., *Le, B. M., *Nichols, A. L., *Schember, T. O., | |
*Crysel, L. C., *Crosier, B. S., Smith, C. V., Paddock, E. L., Nezlek, J. B., Kirkpatrick, L. A., Bator, R. J., & Bryan, A. D. (2014). The Brief Aggression Questionnaire: Psychometric and behavioral evidence for an efficient measure of trait aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 40, 120–139. doi:10.1002/ab.21507 | |
Webster, G. D., & Graber, J. A., *Gesselman, A. N., *Crosier, B. S., & *Schember, T. O. (2014). A life history theory of father | |
absence and menarche: A meta-analysis. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 237–294. | |
Zander, L., Webster, G. D., & Hannover, B. (2014). Better than me?! How adolescents with and without migration background in | |
Germany perceive each others’ performance in class. Psychology, 5, 62–69. doi:10.4236/psych.2014.51011 | |
Invited Addresses and Presentations | |
Dwyer, L. A., Stock, M. L., & Shepperd, J. A. (2014, April). Predicting avoidance of skin damage risk feedback among | |
college students. Annual meeting of the Society of Behavior Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. | |
Emanuel, A. S., Shepperd, J. A., & Logan, H. (2014, April). Using psychological instruments in community samples Annual | |
meeting of the Society of Behavior Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. | |
*Gesselman, A. N., *Crosier, B. S., & Webster, G. D. (2014, February). Romantic attachment and friendship networks: | |
Individual differences in attachment manifesting in group social behavior. Talk given at the 15th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
*Gesselman, A. N., & Webster, G. D. (2014, February). Can’t have too much of a good thing: Factors affecting preferences | |
in a partner’s level of sexual experience. Data blitz given at the Sexuality preconference at the 15th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
*Howell, J. L., Ratliff, K. A., & Shepperd, J. A. (2014, April). Automatic attitudes and health behavior. Symposium Talk, | |
Annual meeting of the Society of Behavior Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. | |
*Howell, J. L., Ratliff, K. A., & Shepperd, J. A. (2014). Automatic Attitudes Predict Health Decision Making and Behavior. | |
Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
Miller, W., & Shepperd, J. A. (2014, February). Religiousness and risk behavior in adolescents: The crucial role of | |
opportunity. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
*Price, D., *Gesselman, A. N., *Howell, J. L., & Shepperd, J. A. (2014, February). Information seeking in intimate | |
relationships. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
Shepperd, J. A., & *Howell, J. L. (2014, February). A multi-item measure of information avoidance. Annual Meeting of the | |
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
Shepperd, J. A. (2014, April). Health decision making in the face of threat. Symposium Talk, Annual meeting of the Society of | |
Behavior Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. | |
Smith, C. T., Shepperd, J. A., Miller, W., & *Kaya, Y. (2014, February). Predicting adolescent substance use attitudes, | |
intentions and behaviors: Do parent or friend attitudes predict better? Annual Meetingof the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. | |
Webster, G. D. (2014, February). Research collaboration: The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems. Talk given at | |
the “From the job market to tenure: Tips for success” preconference at the 15th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. |