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Dr. Lisa Scott AAW 2021 Woman of Distinction

Dr. Lisa Scott was awarded the UF Association for Academic Women’s (AAW) 2021 Woman of Distinction Award at the UF’s Women’s History Month Reception on March 30, 2021.
Dr. Lisa Scott

Dr. Lisa Scott is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Brain, Cognition, and Development Research Laboratory. Since arriving at UF 6 years ago, Dr. Scott learned UF employees did not have paid parental or personal medical or family leave, and wrote letters, attended town hall meetings, and participated in media interviews emphasizing the importance of improved parental leave policies. After joining the United Faculty of Florida bargaining team, Dr. Scott and the bargaining team argued that leave policies and accessible child-care options would improve negative outcomes associated with the transition to parenthood. She and the team highlighted the positive impact of paid parental leave for the health of both mothers and infants and argued that NOT providing parental leave contributed to gender disparities in pay and promotion across academia. Because of these successful efforts, all UF faculty and staff will now have 8 weeks of paid leave for family and personal medical leave. In addition, Dr. Scott developed a laboratory mentoring program to increase inclusion and diversity within the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience, supporting the successful placement of individuals from minoritized or marginalized groups in industry and academia. Finally, Dr. Scott was awarded the Women in Cognitive Science Leadership Award in 2018-2019 for her work supporting women in science in academic societies. She also successfully lobbied for family passes and childcare options for an international academic conference she attends with the goal of attracting more women to the conference and the field. Dr. Scott has gone above and beyond to be an exceptional advocate and activist in promoting the success of women through exceptional mentorship, teaching initiatives, and through working to promote positive change at the University of Florida and beyond.