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Collaboration Awards: Chun-Che Hung and Sanghee Park

Graduate students Chun-Che Hung and Sanghee Park in Dr. Natalie Ebner’s Social Cognitive and Affective Development Laboratory recently were awarded Collaboration Awards from the Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging (SRNDNA)! Chun-Che will work with Dr. Kristen Kennedy (The University of Texas at Dallas) to explore the joint contributions of structural and functional […]

Gator Nation Giving Day 2025

Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 20 and get ready for Stand Up & Holler: Gator Nation Giving Day! Please join us in standing up for the Department of Psychology during this 24-hour fundraising event and be a part of something bigger. We are thrilled to announce that the Psychology Department Fund is one of […]

2025 Gierach Lecture In Political Psychology

Joanne Miller, PhD NOT SEEING IS BELIEVING: SANTA CLAUS AND SECRET PLOTS Dr. Miller studies political psychology, political prop-aganda, and misinformation and conspiracy theo-ries. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts and has won awards from the following American Political Science Association sections: Elections, Public Opinion, and […]

UF Department of Psychology ranked second-best online psychology program in the U.S

For the fourth consecutive year, the UF Department of Psychology has been ranked in the top 5 for online undergraduate programs by the U.S. News & Work Report. This year UF is second in the nation for online undergraduate psychology degrees. Psychology Department Chair Julia Graber attributes this high ranking to the department’s approach to its […]

Dr. Brian Cahill wins 4th Consecutive first place Dr. Charles J. Fleener Outstanding Pre-Law Chapter Advisor Award

Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) has made its mark on the nation, taking away top honors at the law fraternity’s national competition. At this year’s conference, the UF team walked away with both 1st place and 3rd place titles, as well as the award for Outstanding Attorney and a top 3 Outstanding Witness finalist. The group’s faculty […]

Skipping Thanksgiving dinner could be bad for you.

Dr. Erin Westgate, a University of Florida psychologist, found that people often underestimate the meaningfulness of events like Thanksgiving. Her research shows that people initially perceive holidays as less significant, but later realize their importance. This underestimation extends beyond holidays, affecting decisions about both small and major life events. Westgate’s ongoing research aims to understand […]

Creating Memories One Step at a Time

The UF Aging Scholars Team (uFAST) stepped up and out into the community again this year for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease. The walk is a compassionate, dedicated effort to raise awareness about dementia’s effects on older people and their families. Thanks to donations from Psychology alumni, faculty, students & friends, uFAST raised $3,035. […]