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Spring 2015 Department News – Robin West

t_WestDr. Robin West retired this Spring after being at UF for 27 years.

What is your academic history?

I arrived in 1983 with a postdoc and became a full-time faculty as of 1987. I received my MA and PhD at Vanderbilt in Psychology. My first job was at Memphis State University (now called U of Memphis.

Can you briefly describe your research?

Research on everyday memory and how to maximize memory performance, with a particular focus on self-regulatory factors that influence performance (e.g., memory self-efficacy, goal setting)

What are your retirement plans?

I am continuing to work with my two graduate students, Carla Strickland-Hughes and Kim Smith, on publications, grants, and doctoral research. I plan to continue to translate scientific research on memory and memory improvement for the practical benefit of seniors, through workshops and lay presentations, maybe even a blog after my students have left the nest!

What will you miss?

I will miss teaching General Psychology, as it was always fun to see the light bulbs come on when students heard about important psychological concepts for the first time.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my mentoring and teaching awards, and the investments I made in students for more than 25 years. That is my legacy.