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UF Online: General Psychology



The psychology curriculum provides a strong background to pursue careers in psychology, business, education, or health-related fields. The curriculum emphasizes the principles and applications of psychological knowledge, both as natural and social science.

The BA in Psychology requires courses in four core areas within the discipline and elective psychology courses. A BA in psychology consists of a minimum of 30 credits plus related coursework in biological science, mathematics, and statistics. At least 18 of the 30 credits must be taken at UF, and at least 24 of the 30 credits must be at the 3000 level or above. Courses used toward the major must be earned with minimum grades of C.

To see the complete list of requirements for the BA UF Online Requirements

For more information or assistance, contact:


More information on the 1-5 critical tracking courses can be found in the UF undergraduate catalog(opens in a new tab).

Category CourseNotes
PsychologyPSY2012: General Psychology or equivalent, such as a general psychology course taken elsewhere or credit by exam for PSY 2012 via AP, IB or AICE).
Laboratory coursePSY3213L: Laboratory Methods in PsychologyStudents should take PSY 3213L in semester 3 or 4 before taking any additional 3000-level or above psychology courses.
Biological Science:BSC2005: Biological SciencesBSC2010: Biology Principles 1 can be used
StatisticsSTA2023: Introduction to Statistics 1STA 2023 is a prerequisite for some 4000-level psychology courses.
MathematicsMAC1147: Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry (or higher course) will meet this requirement.OR both MAC 1114 Trigonometry & MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra can be substituted for MAC 1147.
Recommended CourseworkSTA3024: Statistics 2not required as it can be useful for certain upper division


Students must take all of the following:

The course listing below does not represent an order sequence.

General Psychology (3 Credits)PSY2012: General Psychology 1
Laboratory Methods Psychology (3 credits)PSY3213L: Laboratory Methods Psychology
Developmental Psychology (3 Credits)DEP3053: Developmental Psychology
Learning & Cognition (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•EAB3002: Principles of Behavior Analysis
•EXP3604: Cognitive Psychology
Sociocultural / Individual Differences Approaches (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•CLP3144: Abnormal Psychology
•PPE3003: Psychology of Personality
•SOP3004: Social Psychology
Biological Bases of Psychology (3 Credits)
Select ONE course from the following.
•CBH3003: Comparative Psychology
•EXP3104: Sensory Processes
•PSB3002: Physiological Psychology


Students must choose 3000/4000-level psychology courses to meet the 30-hour minimum requirement (except that three credits of 2000-level courses may count toward this requirement). In addition, up to six credits of individual work courses will count toward the 30-hour minimum requirement.

When to meet with Psych Advisors:

  • Students who wish to transfer psychology-related coursework toward their Psychology core requirements.
    • A course syllabus must be provided.
  • Need registration assistance with psychology-owned coursework.